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dave smith tempest drum machine and a bunch of synths
While a lot of people love how cool drum sets look, there is a degree of convenience attached with drum machines that may drive you to pick up one for yourself if you are a musician. This is especially true for musicians who operate in a group and may not have their human drummer on a particular day. Instead of...
midi controller and audio interface on desk
MIDI controllers have made the process of creating music so much easier and have brought composers closer to how the sound they produce comes about. While the process has become easier, it also teaches people about the music they are creating as they tinker more with the controller to experiment with new sounds. MIDI controllers have opened up a...
man playing grand piano
Pianos have been around for centuries and have been put to stunning use in the musical world for years. The traditional piano has had a long history and no piece of classical music feels complete without the grand piano. But over the years, there have been ways to play the piano with greater ease. Advancement in technology has made it...
Recording Studio with Acoustic Paneling Treatment
Acoustic treatment is complicated to comprehend for new home studio owners. We've broken down everything you need to start with your room sound treatment.
coiled up audio cables
If you are new to the field, music studios can seem to be all about that fancy equipment and fun lights, but one thing that most people do not give enough attention to is the thing that makes all of the equipment function according to your needs — the audio cables in the studio. There is no way to...
Playing Akai MPC Live Sampler
If you are even vaguely acquainted with music production or know a little bit about how a track is laid, you may have heard of a term called ‘sampler’. Musicians and composers, especially those who embrace modern technology to create music, swear by samplers. A sampler allows a composer to experiment with the sound and create a truly unique tonality out...
Electric guitar fretboard
A guitar is one of the most versatile instruments in western music. You can play a variety of genres of music using a single guitar. It also familiarizes you with other types of string instruments and though you may not become an excellent mandolin player simply because you know how to play the guitar, the fundamentals have been put...
Drum sticks on snare drum
Knowing what to buy for your first drum kit can be an overwhelming experience. Most people see professional drummers with large sets that can have 20-30+ different pieces. We're here to help you figure out what you actually need to buy and make the process of choosing a drum set super easy. Most people in this world have fantasized about...
AKG Perception 820 Tube Large- Diaphragm
Learn which type of studio microphone you should buy for recording vocals, guitars, or drums. We go into detail about condenser, dynamic and ribbon microphones.
Coiled up MIDI cables and headphones
MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Design Interface. It is an interface that has been one of the most important components of the music industry and was able to trigger a movement of establishing both home and professional studios.  The need for MIDI rose in the early 1980s when there was no standardized method of synchronizing different instruments, especially instruments from...
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