You don’t have to be a veteran recording engineer to capture great audio for your video productions. With some basic understanding of your microphone and recorder options, when to choose different microphone types, and how to manage sounds in your environment, you’ll have a clear path to guide you when recording audio for video. Let’s take a look at some of the gear you’ll be using, and how you can optimize your audio recording for your video productions.
If you want to record audio on your computer or portable device with an external microphone, you have a lot of options. And the solution can be as simple as a single XLR to USB cable — but that may actually limit the quality of your recordings instead of enhance it, depending on what your production goals are. After all, if you want to connect a microphone to your computer to record vocals and produce music, you have some very different needs than an independent journalist that needs to record voice memos and narration in loud environments. But the thing we have in common is the need to connect a microphone’s XLR output to the USB port on our computer, smartphone, or tablet, so let’s take a look at solutions that allow you to do exactly that.
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