Building a home recording studio can be stressful but it doesn’t need to be. There is an endless supply of gear for recording music and we’ve done our best to avoid confusing you. This guide will only be showing the bare essential home recording equipment that you need to start being...
Looper guitar pedals are more popular than ever, and offer big creative potential for electric and acoustic guitarists alike. With such a wide range of loop pedals for guitar available in 2023, we want to take a look at 10 of the best looper pedals currently on the market.
A home studio, as you may already know, is a professional studio that you can operate within the comfort of your home. This is a music recording studio and it can be made to match professional standards. Just because the studio is in your home, it does not mean that...
Looking for the best on-camera microphone attachment to take the sound of your videos to the next video? Improving your audio quality is one of the best ways to make your videography stand out, so we’ve done the research to find the nine best on-camera mic attachments you’ll find in 2023
You will be able to find a number of different guides that claim to give you a foolproof formula for recording vocals but it is important for you to know that there is no such set formula that can work for the different types of artists and musicians. Similarly, different...
Is the BeatBuddy MINI 2 a practice tool, a performance solution, or both? Should you run your BeatBuddy MINI 2 through your amplifier, or through a separate speaker? And in general, is the BeatBuddy MINI 2 worth getting? Let’s find out!
Some people are born with so much talent but are unable to convert that into tangible goodness because of either a lack of confidence or the absence of knowledge that can lead them to greatness. Music composition is an industry where a lot of people with talent lose out...
Should I get an analog or digital synth? What’s the difference between a sequencer and an arpeggiator, and what’s the purpose of each? You deserve answers — let’s dig in.
A microphone's a microphone, right? Not exactly. There are countless models, styles, and features out there. And you'll want to be aware of them when finding the right mic for your application. This is especially true when picking a mic for live vocals. From their sound to how well...
Knowing how to use reverb on vocals can give you a real edge. Let's take a look at 10 reverb tips that will put you on the fast track to stellar-sounding vocals.
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